Soup-er Bowl Sunday 2024
Feeding Mouths and Helping Others
If you were at a restaurant on February 9th in Pike county odds are you saw Knights collecting soup for our council’s annual Soup-er Bowl fundraiser. The Soup-er Bowl fundraiser is a simple premise. Work with local restaurants who have a charitable heart, some places give two containers others give 5 gallon jugs. Brother Knights then gathered together Friday night at St. Patrick’s to divvy up the soup into containers, labeling the soup with what’s inside and the restaurant they are from. Come Saturday and Sunday after Mass brother Knights start selling the soup.
The best thing is the funds raised go to very worthy local organizations. One of the 2024 recipients of the funds is Pike County Hands of Hope.
Pike County Hands of Hope
“Pike County Hands of Hope (PCHOH) is a Christ-centered organization dedicated to providing compassion and hope to Pike County’s homeless and near-homeless families and individuals by meeting their basic and urgent needs of food, clothing, and shelter.”
Over the past few years Hands of Hope has been a recipient of fundraisers from our council. That’s because their mission aligns with ours to help people in need. More importantly providing shelter to the homeless is one of the corporal acts of mercy.
Along with the Soup-er Bowl Fundraiser our council also held our annual Super Bowl Pool. The proceeds from this event goes to our RSVP fund. The RSVP fund is a Supreme supported program that assists Seminarians with financial gifts and assistance.
A Special Thanks
The below restaurants and businesses were the real heroes of the day! They all provided soup for our fundraiser that made it a huge success. Thank you to all of our charitable friendly local businesses.
Peter’s Europa House