Keep Christ in Christmas The “Keep Christ in Christmas” program is one of the most important initiatives of the Knights of Columbus, aimed at reminding the world of the true reason for the Christmas season—celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. In a society that often emphasizes the material aspects of the holiday, the Knights of
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), in collaboration with the Knights of Columbus, will launch the annual Novena for Life starting on October 22nd. This powerful nine-day prayer campaign focuses on the protection and dignity of all human life, from conception to natural death. The novena is part of a broader effort by
On September 23rd, 10 parishioners and community members attended the Pennsylvania March for Life in Harrisburg. This mission trip to the commonwealth capital to promote the Gospel of Life was a great success. It started with listening to many great pro-life speakers like Mark Houck, Archbishop Perez, Jeannie Mancini, and Michael Geer. Then a march
The September issue of the Milford Knightly News is released on our Newsletter page. If you have any additions for the newsletter please reach out to Tony Perito.
Today we remember the lives lost during the attacks of September 11, 2001. Please join us in praying for peace and encourage others to pray with us. Blessed Michael McGivney- Pray for Us St Katharine Drexel- Pray for Us