2024 Be A Catholic Man Lenten Retreat
Spiritual Direction: I’m Not Lost-I’m Wondering

Catholic spiritual retreats are a time for individuals to temporarily step away from their daily routines and responsibilities to focus on deepening their relationship with God. These retreats typically involve prayer, reflection, spiritual guidance, and silence in a peaceful and contemplative setting. They can last anywhere from a few days to a week or more, and may follow a structured schedule of activities or allow for more flexibility in how participants choose to spend their time
History of the Catholic Spiritual Retreat
The tradition of spiritual retreats in the Catholic Church dates back to the early days of Christianity. The Desert Fathers and Mothers of the early Church were known for retreating to the desert to pray, fast, and seek God in solitude. Over the centuries, monastic communities developed around the world. These communities became a place for individuals seeking a deeper spiritual experience to retreat from the distractions of the world.
In the 16th century, the Church formalized the practice of spiritual retreats. Thank to the establishment of the Jesuit Order and the Ignatian spirituality. St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, developed a series of spiritual exercises to help individuals discern God’s will. What is His will for their lives and grow in their relationship with Him. These exercises became the foundation for the Ignatian retreat, which continues to be a popular form of retreat in the Catholic Church today.
Over time Catholic spiritual retreats have evolved to include a variety of formats and styles. By catering to the diverse needs and preferences of participants. Some retreats focus on specific themes, such as healing, forgiveness, or discernment. Others offer a more general time of prayer and reflection. Retreat centers around the world host retreats for individuals, couples, families, and groups, providing a supportive and nurturing environment for spiritual growth and renewal.
Overall, Catholic spiritual retreats offer a sacred space for individuals to deepen their relationship with God, renew their faith, and discern His will for their lives. They continue to be a valued and integral part of the Catholic spiritual tradition, providing a time of rest, reflection, and rejuvenation for the soul.
Be A Catholic Man, Inc.
The Be A Catholic Man Conference has been bringing men from the Diocese of Scranton together since 2015. It all started when a group of lay men approached Bishop Joseph Bambera in 2014. The idea was to form a men’s conference. Many men’s conferences had been popping up around Dioceses around the nation. So much so there is an association of Men’s Conferences, called the Catholic Men’s Leadership Alliance. Conference themes have included: Jesus Christ, The Face of True Manhood, Called to Fatherhood, and Stand Fast in the Faith.
Starting last year the Be A Catholic Man Conference has started doing a weekend retreat in Dalton, PA at the former Diocesan Seminary. This year’s retreat will be on March 15th and 16th. The Theme will be “Spiritual Direction: I’m Not Lost-I’m Wondering”. Here we will be examining the spiritual journey of men in our world. Moving from wandering to wondering about God’s will in our lives. The cost of the retreat is only $75 for an overnight including food. Guest speakers include Bishop Joseph Bambera, Fr. Pio Mandato, Fr. Brian Van Fossen, Fr. Stan Fortuna CFR, and Mike Donovan.. We will be offering adoration, confession and Holy Mass celebrated by our Bishop. This will be a great way to renew our hearts and minds before Easter. Registration is on our website https://beacatholicman.com .